Dentist in Ferndale Shares Good Summer Party Foods for Teeth
With summer parties ramping up, it’s important to discuss the types of food you’ll want to serve. Instead of offering foods that get stuck in your guest’s teeth, opt for these alternatives instead.
Place cheese on your burgers and serve some cubes up on a platter as well. Dairy products are rich in calcium and great for protecting enamel. Choose products like cheese, yogurt and milk. In addition, dairy products might lower the instances of gum diseases as well.
Avoid Toothpicks
If you’re serving food that might stick between the teeth, you may be tempted to supply toothpicks. These sharp instruments can puncture the gums allowing bacteria to find a home. You can also experience a mouth splinter if it breaks. Instead, set up a dish of dental picks in the bathroom just in case.
Avoid Seeds
You can cut down on the amount of food that gets stuck in the teeth by serving seedless foods. Avoid any buns with poppy or sesame seeds. Use crunchy fruit in the salad instead of blackberries or kiwi. Remember you also want to serve your watermelon seedless.
Watch that Ice
Ice is necessary on a hot day, but it doesn’t play well with your teeth. Chewing on ice leaves your teeth vulnerable to chipping, cracking or other dental emergencies. No one wants a broken tooth while enjoying a party.
Instead, place your bottles and cans in a tub of ice so they don’t need it in their drinks. If ice must be used in a glass, consider crushing it instead.
Keep Gum Nearby
Your guests might want to freshen their breath up after dinner. Get rid of those hard mints and place out a dish of sugar-free gum instead. Pick one with the ADA approval and you’ll feel good about helping their mouths produce more saliva to wash away bacteria. Plus, they’ll have fresh breath so you can talk to them with ease.
If you want to know more foods and drinks that should be included in your next get-together, reach out to your dentist in Ferndale. They are always happy to help you live your best life.